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UN sanctions on Rhodesia

Sanctions were imposed on Rhodesia under United Nations Security Council Resolution 253 amidst a civil war between the white minority government and African revolutionary forces known as the ‘Rhodesian Bush War’.

The resolution saw the United Nation’s Security Council:

Condemning the recent inhuman executions carried
out by the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia which
have flagrantly affronted the conscience of mankind and
have been universally condemned,

Affirming the primary responsibility of the Govern-
men of the United Kingdom to enable the people of
Southern Rhodesia to achieve self-determination and
independence, and in particular their responsibility for
dealing with the prevailing situation,

Recognizing the legitimacy of the struggle of the
people of Southern Rhodesia to secure the enjoyment
of their rights as set forth in the Charter of the United
Nations and in conformity with the objectives of General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December

Source: ‘UN Security Council Resolution 253’ cited in https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/RESOLUTION/GEN/NR0/248/34/PDF/NR024834.pdf?OpenElement

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