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The Executive Council (Transitional Provisions) Order, re-constituting the Interim Government into two separate groups representing the two successor governments of India and Pakistan, published

The interim government that had been set up in September 1946 was no longer fit for purpose in light of plans for the creation of two states after the transfer of power.

It was now necessary to establish two separate governments and their attendant personnel. This was made more pressing as plans for independence were less than a month away.

The Executive Council (Transitional Provisions) Order outlined the following:

“7. (I) For the purpose of dealing with any case exclusively or predominantly concerning the future Dominion of India members of the Executive Council in charge of Pakistan Departments shall not be entitled to attend the meetings of the Council; and for the purpose of dealing with any case exclusively or predominantly concerning the future Dominion of Pakistan, members of the Executive Council in charge of India Departments shall not be entitled to attend the meetings of the Council.”

Source:’The Executive Council (Transitional Provisions) Order, 1947′ cited in Nicholas Mansergh & Penderel Moon (eds.), Transfer of Power, vol. XII, p. 258


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