Where is Home


British Capture of Cape Colony

Fourth Anglo-Mysore War

British Recapture of the Cape of Good Hope

Britain Annexes Lagos

Britain annexes Basutoland

Britain annexes the South African Republic

Britain annexes Bechuanaland

Sikkim Expedition

Second Boer War

Zanzibar becomes a British protectorate

Rhodes attains right to administer present-day Zambia

Establishment of British Central African Protectorate

Establishment of the East African Protectorate

Buganda and three other kingdoms are unified under the Protectorate of Uganda

Zululand merged with Natal

Kitchener defeats Mahdi forces in Sudan

British and Egyptian rule of Sudan

British capture Pretoria and annex both Boer Republics

British and French forces capture Togoland and Kamerun

South West Africa becomes a British mandated territory administered by South Africa

German East Africa becomes British mandated Tanganyika

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