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Arrival of Freed Slaves in Sierra Leone

British Capture of Cape Colony

British Recapture of the Cape of Good Hope

Establishment of Freetown, Sierra Leone

Britain Annexes the Natalia Republic

British government buys Danish territory in Accra

Britain Annexes Lagos

Britain annexes Basutoland

Britain, France, and Italy take financial control of Tunisia

Britain colonises the Gold Coast

Britain annexes the South African Republic

British invasion of Alexandria

South African Republic regains its independence

Scramble for Africa

Britain annexes Bechuanaland

Imperial British East Africa Company given charter to administer Kenya and Uganda

Cecil Rhodes forms the British South Africa Company

Second Boer War

France and Britain agree on boundaries for Senegal and Gambia

Cecil Rhodes sends colonists to Rhodesia

Zanzibar becomes a British protectorate

Rhodes attains right to administer present-day Zambia

Britain cedes Heligoland to Germany

Establishment of British Central African Protectorate

Establishment of the British Protectorate of Uganda

Creation of Rhodesia

Khama III, king of Bechuanaland seeks continued British protection

Establishment of the East African Protectorate

Buganda and three other kingdoms are unified under the Protectorate of Uganda

Zululand merged with Natal

Appointment of Alfred Milner as High Commissioner in South Africa

British destroy Benin City

French and British hostilities in Fashoda

Kitchener defeats Mahdi forces in Sudan

British and Egyptian rule of Sudan

Mohammed ibn Abdullah leads an uprising in British Somaliland

British capture Pretoria and annex both Boer Republics

British government assumes direct responsibility of Nigeria from the Royal Niger Company

Deaths of Boer women and children in British concentration camps

End of Boer War and Boer Republics become British territories

Moroccan Crisis

Union of South Africa becomes an independent dominion of the British Empire

North and South Nigeria are merged into a single colony

Britain and France invade and capture German Kamerun

British and French forces capture Togoland and Kamerun

South West Africa becomes a British mandated territory administered by South Africa

German East Africa becomes British mandated Tanganyika

Egyptian Independence

Britain and France receive mandate to govern Cameroon and Togoland

South African National Native Congress renamed African National Congress

Southern Rhodesia becomes a self-governing settler colony

British government takes on administration of Northern Rhodesia from the South Africa Company

Dominion status granted to South Africa

British Togo merged with the Gold Coast after plebiscite

Independence of Ghana

Decolonisation of East Africa; Migration of Asians from various East African nations

PM Harold Macmillan in Cape Town warns white settlers that ‘the wind of change’ is blowing through Africa

Kenneth Kaunda elected President of UNIP in Northern Rhodesia

Creation of independent Somali Republic

Kenyatta is elected leader of KANU in Kenya

Nigerian independence

Independence of Sierra Leone

Independence of Tanganyika

Independence of Uganda

End of British Protectorate of Zanzibar

Independence of Kenya

Establishment of the Organization of African Unity

Tanganyika and Zanzibar merge to form Tanzania

Independence of Northern Rhodesia

Independence of Nyasaland

Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Rhodesia

Kenyan Asians denied work permits

UN sanctions on Rhodesia

Commonwealth Immigrants Act

Expulsion of Ugandan Asians

Independence of Rhodesia

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